Results for 'Michael S. Bowman'

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  1. Tracing Mary Queen of Scots.Michael S. Bowman - 2010 - In Greg Dickinson, Carole Blair & Brian L. Ott, Places of Public Memory: The Rhetoric of Museums and Memorials. University of Alabama Press. pp. 191--215.
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  2. Place. Tracing Mary Queen of Scots.Michael S. Bowman - 2010 - In Greg Dickinson, Carole Blair & Brian L. Ott, Places of Public Memory: The Rhetoric of Museums and Memorials. University of Alabama Press.
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    Regulating Emerging and Future Technologies in the Present.Michael G. Bennett, Jake Gatof, Diana M. Bowman & Karinne Ludlow - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (2):151-163.
    Scientific knowledge and technological expertise continue to evolve rapidly. Such innovation gives rise to new benefits as well as risks, at an ever-increasing pace. Within this context, regulatory regimes must function in order to address policymakers’ objectives. Innovation, though, can challenge the functioning and effectiveness of regulatory regimes. Questions over fit, effectiveness, and capacity of these regimes to ensure the safe entry of such technologies, and their products, onto the market will be asked in parallel to their development. With this (...)
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    Are We Really the Prey? Nanotechnology as Science and Science Fiction.Peter Binks, Graeme A. Hodge & Diana M. Bowman - 2007 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 27 (6):435-445.
    Popular culture can play a significant role in shaping the acceptance of evolving technologies, with nanotechnology likely to be a case in point. The most popular fiction work to date in this arena has been Michael Crichton's techno-thriller Prey, which fuses together nanotechnology science with science fiction. Within the context of Prey, this article examines the role that scientists and popular culture play in educating society, and one another, about emerging technologies. In di ferentiating fact from fiction, the article (...)
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    Michael L. Mark.Patrice Madura Ward-Steinman - 2019 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 27 (1):92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Michael L. MarkPatrice Madura Ward-SteinmanI met Michael Mark at the first Philosophy of Music Education conference held at Indiana University in the summer of 1990. I was a doctoral student at IU then and had studied the writings of many of the conference presenters and so the experience of hearing and meeting them in person was a heady one, indeed. I will never forget those impressions of (...)
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    Online Learning: A User-Friendly Approach for High School and College Students.Leslie Bowman & J. Michael Tighe Jr - 2010 - R&L Education.
    This book has strategies and tips that every online professor wants students to know before they sign up for an online class. Bowman has provided a reference tool for students to develop self-directed learning skills that will help them become secure and knowledgeable about technology, studying, communicating online, and getting work done on time.
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    The role of ingestional delay in taste-mediated environmental potentiation.Michael R. Best, John D. Batson & Mark T. Bowman - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (3):215-218.
  8.  78
    Anticipating the Societal Challenges of Nanotechnologies.Diana M. Bowman, Elen Stokes & Michael G. Bennett - 2013 - NanoEthics 7 (1):1-5.
    “In this article we sketch out the landscape for this Special Issue on anticipating and embedding the societal challenge of nanotechnologies. Tools that actors may choose to employ for these processes are articulated, and further explored through the introduction of the seven articles which comprise this Issue. Taken together, these articles create a cogent narrative on the societal challenges posed by nanotechnologies. They are drawn together by three distinct themes, each of which is briefly considered within this context of this (...)
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    Evidence that stimulus generalization does not determine taste-mediated odor potentiation.Mark T. Bowman, W. Robert Batsell & Michael R. Best - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (3):241-243.
  10.  23
    Hegel and the Metaphysics of Absolute Negativity.Brady Bowman - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel's doctrines of absolute negativity and 'the Concept' are among his most original contributions to philosophy and they constitute the systematic core of dialectical thought. Brady Bowman explores the interrelations between these doctrines, their implications for Hegel's critical understanding of classical logic and ontology, natural science and mathematics as forms of 'finite cognition', and their role in developing a positive, 'speculative' account of consciousness and its place in nature. As a means to this end, Bowman also re-examines Hegel's (...)
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  11. A calculus of individuals based on "connection".Bowman L. Clarke - 1981 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 22 (3):204-218.
    Although Aristotle (Metaphysics, Book IV, Chapter 2) was perhaps the first person to consider the part-whole relationship to be a proper subject matter for philosophic inquiry, the Polish logician Stanislow Lesniewski [15] is generally given credit for the first formal treatment of the subject matter in his Mereology.1 Woodger [30] and Tarski [24] made use of a specific adaptation of Lesniewski's work as a basis for a formal theory of physical things and their parts. The term 'calculus of individuals' was (...)
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  12.  36
    Supporting patient decision-making in non-invasive prenatal testing: a comparative study of professional values and practices in England and France.Hilary Bowman-Smart, Adeline Perrot & Ruth Horn - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-13.
    Background Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), which can screen for aneuploidies such as trisomy 21, is being implemented in several public healthcare systems across Europe. Comprehensive communication and information have been highlighted in the literature as important elements in supporting women’s reproductive decision-making and addressing relevant ethical concerns such as routinisation. Countries such as England and France are adopting broadly similar implementation models, offering NIPT for pregnancies with high aneuploidy probability. However, we do not have a deeper understanding of how professionals’ (...)
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  13. Privileged Ignorance, “World”-Traveling, and Epistemic Tourism.Melanie Bowman - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (3):475-489.
    In this article I am concerned with how relatively privileged people who wish to act in anti-oppressive ways respond to their own ignorance in ways that fall short of what is necessary for building coalitions against oppression. I consider María Lugones's sense of “world”-travel and José Medina's notion of epistemic friction-seeking as strategies for combating privileged ignorance, and assess how well they fare when put into practice by those suffering from privileged ignorance. Drawing on the resources of tourism studies, I (...)
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  14. A Conceptualist Reply to Hanna’s Kantian Non-Conceptualism.Brady Bowman - 2011 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19 (3):417 - 446.
    Hanna proposes a version of non-conceptualism he closely associates with Kant. This paper takes issue with his proposal on two fronts. First, there are reasons to dispute whether any version of non-conceptualism can be rightly attributed to Kant. In addition to pointing out passages that conflict with Hanna's interpretation, I also suggest ways in which the Kant of the Opus Postumum could integrate key insights of non-conceptualism into a basically conceptualist framework. In Part Two of the paper, I turn to (...)
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  15.  27
    The Moral of the Tale: Stories, Trust, and Public Engagement with Clinical Ethics via Radio and Theatre.Deborah Bowman - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (1):43-52.
    Trust is frequently discussed with reference to the professional–patient relationship. However, trust is less explored in relation to the ways in which understanding of, and responses to, questions of ethics are discussed by both the “public” and “experts.” Public engagement activity in healthcare ethics may invoke “trust” in analysing a moral question or problem but less frequently conceives of trust as integral to “public engagement” itself. This paper explores the relationship between trust and the ways in which questions of healthcare (...)
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  16.  43
    What is it to do good medical ethics? Minding the gap(s).Deborah Bowman - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (1):60-63.
    This paper discusses the character of medical ethics and suggests that there are significant gaps that warrant greater attention. It describes ways in which the content and form of medical ethics may exclude or marginalise perspectives and contributions, thereby reducing its influence and its potential impact on, and value to, patients, students, carers and society. To consider what it is ‘to do good medical ethics’ suggests an active approach that seeks out, and learns from, contributions beyond the traditional boundaries of (...)
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  17.  52
    Theorizing Bruce Lee: Film-Fantasy-Fighting-Philosophy.Paul Bowman - 2010 - Rodopi.
    ' Armoured with his philosophical nunchakus, Bowman goes to battle with anyone who may doubt Lee's ongoing importance, and this book will undoubtedly become ...
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    Here/There/Everywhere: Quantum Models for Decolonizing Canadian State Onto-Epistemology.Norah Bowman - 2019 - Foundations of Science 26 (1):171-186.
    In settler-colonial Canada, the state does not receive Indigenous testimony as credible evidence. While the state often accepts Indigenous testimony in formal hearings, the state fundamentally rejects Indigenous evidence as a description of the world as it is, as an onto-epistemology. In other words, the Indigenous worldview formation, while it functions as a knowledge system that knows and predicts life, is not admitted to regulatory discussions about effects of resource extraction projects on life. Particularly in such resource-extraction review hearings, partly (...)
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    Informed consent: a primer for clinical practice.Deborah Bowman - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by John Spicer & Rehana Iqbal.
    The process of seeking the consent of a patient to a medical procedure is, arguably, one of the most important skills a doctor, or indeed any clinician, should learn. In fact, the very idea that doctors may institute diagnostic or treatment processes of any sort without a patient's consent is utterly counter-intuitive to the modern practice of medicine. It was not always thus, and even now it can be reliably assumed that consent is still not sought and gained appropriately in (...)
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    On the Classical Limit in Bohm’s Theory.Gary E. Bowman - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (4):605-625.
    The standard means of seeking the classical limit in Bohmian mechanics is through the imposition of vanishing quantum force and quantum potential for pure states. We argue that this approach fails, and that the Bohmian classical limit can be realized only by combining narrow wave packets, mixed states, and environmental decoherence.
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    Cosmoipolitan Justice: The Axial Age, Multiple Modernities, and the Postsecular Turn.Jonathan Bowman - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book assesses the rapid transformation of the political agency of religious groups within transnational civil society under conditions of globalization weakening sovereign nation-states. It offers a synthesis of the resurgence of Jasper's axial thesis from distinct lines of research initiated by Eisenstadt, Habermas, Taylor, Bellah, and others. It explores the concept of cosmoipolitanism from the combined perspectives of sociology of religion, critical theory, secularization theory, and evolutionary cultural anthropology. At the theoretical level, cosmoipolitanism prescribes how local, national, transnational, global, (...)
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    Prophecy and Authority in Trachiniai.Laurel Bowman - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (3):335-350.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Prophecy and Authority in the TrachiniaiLaurel Bowman(Tr. 1278)When deianeira goes silently offstage to her death at line 812 of Trachiniai, she removes herself from her husband's story. Her mistake was in thinking it was hers. Despite her emotionally riveting presence at center stage for well over half the play, her focus (and thus that of her audience) is always on Herakles, absent or present. Her only concern, throughout (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Music Education.Wayne D. Bowman & Ana Lucía Frega (eds.) - 2012 - Oup Usa.
    In The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Music Education, editors Wayne D. Bowman and Ana Lucia Frega have drawn together a variety of philosophical perspectives from the profession's most exciting scholars from all over the world. Rather than relegating philosophical inquiry to moot questions and abstract situations, the contributors to this volume address everyday concerns faced by music educators everywhere. Emphasizing clarity, fairness, rigour, and utility above all, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Music Education will challenge music educators (...)
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  24. The Transition to Self-consciousness in The Phenomenology of Spirit.Caroline Bowman - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (2):267-303.
    Abstract:This article provides a novel interpretation of the so-called transition to self-consciousness in The Phenomenology of Spirit, where Hegel argues that the failure of the protagonist consciousness to formulate an understanding of the world in terms of forces and laws necessitates the shift to an investigation of its own self-conscious subjectivity. The author argues that we can make sense of the transition by attending to Hegel's account of the metaphysical structure of forces and laws, on the one hand, and the (...)
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  25. On the Defense of Literary Value.Brady Bowman - 2014 - In Dalia Nassar, The Relevance of Romanticism: Essays on German Romantic Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Identifying cognition in general with propositional knowledge exposes the cognitive value of literature to abiding skepticism. This chapter argues that German romanticism has generated two competing views of the relation between literature and the overtly truth-seeking disciplines. One is a legacy of skepticism and antirealism that is powerless to give a positive account of literary value. The other is a complementarist legacy emphasizing literature’s cognitive priority to and its role as the cognitive fulfillment of discursive knowledge. This tradition offers important (...)
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  26. A Deduction of Kant’s Concept of the Highest Good.Curtis Bowman - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Research 28:45-63.
    This paper attempts a deduction of Kant's concept of the highest good: that is, it attempts to prove, in accordance with Dieter Henrich.s interpretation of the notion of deduction, that the highest good is an end that is also a duty. It does this by appealing to features of practical reason that make up the legitimating facts that serve as the premises that any deduction must possess. According to Kant, the highest good consists of happiness, virtue, and relations of proportionality (...)
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  27. Philosophy Hitherto: A Reply to Frodeman and Briggle.W. Derek Bowman - 2016 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 5 (3):85-91.
    Early in his career, Karl Marx complained that “Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.” Philosophers Robert Frodeman and Adam Briggle have recently issued this same complaint against their contemporaries, arguing that philosophy has become an isolated, “purified” discipline, detached from its historical commitments to virtue and to public engagement. In this paper I argue that they are wrong about contemporary philosophy and about its history. Philosophy hitherto has always been characterized (...)
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  28. Heidegger, the Uncanny, and Jacques Tourneur's Horror Films.Curtis Bowman - 2003 - In Steven Jay Schneider & Daniel Shaw, Dark thoughts: philosophic reflections on cinematic horror. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 65--83.
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    Hegel on Socrates and the Historical Advent of Moral Self-Consciousness.Brady Bowman - 2019 - In Christopher Moore, Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill. pp. 749–792.
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  30. Spinozist Pantheism and the Truth of "Sense Certainty": What the Eleusinian Mysteries Tell us about Hegel's Phenomenology.Brady Bowman - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):85-110.
    The Opening Chapter of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, called "Sense Certainty," is brief: 283 lines or about seven and a half pages in the critical edition of Hegel's works . Just over half the text is devoted to a series of thought experiments1 that focus on "the Here" and "the Now" as the two basic forms of immediate sensuous particularity Hegel calls "the This." The chapter's main goal is to demonstrate that, in truth, the object of sense certainty is precisely (...)
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  31. Einstein and mysticism.Gary E. Bowman - 2014 - Zygon 49 (2):281-307.
    Albert Einstein deliberately and repeatedly expressed his general religious views. But what were his views of mysticism? His statements on the subject were few, relatively obscure, and often misunderstood. A coherent answer requires setting those statements in historical, cultural, and theological context, as well as examining Einstein's philosophical and religious views. Though the Einstein that emerges clearly rejected supernatural mysticism, his views of “essential” mysticism were—though largely implicit—more nuanced, more subtle, and ultimately more sympathetic than “mere appearance” suggests.
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    The potential of iterative voting to solve the separability problem in referendum elections.Clark Bowman, Jonathan K. Hodge & Ada Yu - 2014 - Theory and Decision 77 (1):111-124.
    In referendum elections, voters are often required to register simultaneous votes on multiple proposals. The separability problem occurs when a voter’s preferred outcome on one proposal depends on the outcomes of other proposals. This type of interdependence can lead to unsatisfactory or even paradoxical election outcomes, such as a winning outcome that is the last choice of every voter. Here we propose an iterative voting scheme that allows voters to revise their voting strategies based on the outcomes of previous iterations. (...)
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    Authority and Openness: Emulating Barth in Evangelical and Process Theology.Donna Bowman - 2008 - Process Studies 37 (1):114-127.
    Although their doctrinal propositions differ significantly, process theology and evangelical theology may find common cause by considering convergences of method. These possibilities are currently limited by underlying assumptions about authority and openness to novelty that characterize the opposing camps. The methodology of Karl Barth holds out the promise of reinvigorating evangelical theology through an appreciation of his willingness to consider novel conclusions that spring from familiar premises. Likewise, process theology should emulate Barth’s passion for the historical doctrines of the Christian (...)
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    Art Criticism in the Contracted Field1.Matthew Bowman - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (2):200-212.
    Just over a decade-and-a-half ago, a roundtable discussion published in the pages of October worried that the periodic renewal of critical discourses had slowed to a standstill and that art criticism was faced with obsolescence. Such an obsolescence should be understood in a broadly Hegelian manner: the danger is not that art criticism would disappear from the cultural field, but that it will continue—although drained of its previous necessity. Such fears perhaps run the risk of exaggeration, yet this article shall (...)
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    Autodidactics of Bits: Cultural studies and the partition of the pedagogical.Paul Bowman - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (6):663-680.
    This article explores a minor work by Adrian Rifkin, a work which focuses primarily on his research method of parataxis, but which this article reads for what it offers to a reconsideration of pedagogy, or ‘teaching and learning’. The article argues that Adrian Rifkin has long been a ‘Rancièrean’ within UK cultural studies, and that this history has yet to be fully assessed. The importance of Rifkin’s Rancièrean pedagogical and research methods is laid out by discussing his interventions in the (...)
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    Acosmism, Radical Finitude, and Divine Love in Mendelssohn, Schelling, and Hegel.Brady Bowman - 2013 - The Owl of Minerva 45 (1/2):61-83.
    German philosophers of the classical period viewed Spinozism as posing a threefold challenge: fatalism, atheism, and acosmism. This paper focuses on acosmism as a vantage point for understanding the resulting “Pantheism Controversy.” Drawing on insights into the ineliminability of indexical thought, I argue that Mendelssohn’s refutation of acosmism entails rejecting traditional theism: The finite world cannot be the product of an omnipotent creator. Schelling and Hegel recognize this consequence, but each responds in a different way: Schelling with a conception of (...)
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    Bioethical and legal perspectives on xenotransplantation.Diana M. Bowman - 2004 - Monash Bioethics Review 23 (3):16-29.
    As scientific research continues to push forward the once seemingly insurmountable barriers of medical research, xenotransplantation has been viewed as a means to overcome the current and predicted future shortages of human donor organs. The current review of Australia’s xenotransplantation guidelines by the National Health and Medical Research Council provides for a timely evaluation of the scientific merits, ethical dilemmas and legal implications of this technology. This paper contends that even if the scientific barriers of xenotransplantation were successfully circumvented, a (...)
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    Big Data solutions on a small scale: Evaluating accessible high-performance computing for social research.Sawyer A. Bowman & Dhiraj Murthy - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (2).
    Though full of promise, Big Data research success is often contingent on access to the newest, most advanced, and often expensive hardware systems and the expertise needed to build and implement such systems. As a result, the accessibility of the growing number of Big Data-capable technology solutions has often been the preserve of business analytics. Pay as you store/process services like Amazon Web Services have opened up possibilities for smaller scale Big Data projects. There is high demand for this type (...)
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  39. Challenging Habermas' response to the european union democratic deficit.Jonathan Bowman - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (6):736-755.
    rgen Habermas' response to the European Union democratic deficit calls for a minimal threshold of democratic legislation through an explicit constitutional founding. He defends a model of freedom as autonomous self-determination by proposing to tie basic rights in the EU to a univocal form of European-wide popular sovereignty. Instead of constructing a common European political identity, I appeal to the novel democratic potential of institutions in the EU such as the Open Method of Coordination for mediating overlapping sovereignties in accord (...)
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    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Heidelberg Writings: Journal Publications.Brady Bowman & Allen Speight (eds.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    This work brings together, for the first time in English translation, Hegel's journal publications from his years in Heidelberg, writings which have been previously either untranslated or only partially translated into English. The Heidelberg years marked Hegel's return to university teaching and represented an important transition in his life and thought. The translated texts include his important reassessment of the works of the philosopher F. H. Jacobi, whose engagement with Spinozism, especially, was of decisive significance for the philosophical development of (...)
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  41. Music education in nihilistic times.Wayne Bowman - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (1):29–46.
    This essay explores the contingency of music's value, and the significant ways that contingency qualifies our understandings of the utility of instructional method. More specifically, it raises the possibility that the altruistic pursuit of methodological purity may serve ends dramatically different than those espoused by practitioners. Music making, music study, and music learning may be liberating, empowering, and educational; but they may also serve precisely opposite ends. More simply put, neither music nor its study is unconditionally or inherently good. The (...)
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  42. Meta-diagnosis: Towards a hermeneutical perspective in medicine with an emphasis on alcoholism.Carol A. Bowman - 1992 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 13 (3).
    This essay argues that making a diagnosis in medicine is essentially a hermeneutic enterprise, one in which interpretation skills play a major part in understanding a disease. The clinical encounter is an event comprised of two voices; one is the voice of science which is grounded in empiricism, the other is that of human experience, which is grounded in story-telling and the interpretation of those stories.Using two voices, one from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-III-Revised, which describes alcohol (...)
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    Pregnant Padmé and Slave Leia: Star Wars' Female Role Models.Cole Bowman - 2015 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker, The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 159–171.
    There is an imbalance of gender roles in everyone's favorite space saga, with the vast majority of characters played by males while the female parts are minimized at nearly every turn. But the underlying problem of womanhood in Star Wars might be even more insidious than Darth Sidious himself. This chapter explains why it is difficult to embrace a strong female identity anywhere, let alone in the midst of intergalactic war. It analyzes whether the women in Star Wars have what (...)
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    The Legal Relationship Between Cohabitants and Their Partners' Children.Cynthia Grant Bowman - 2012 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 13 (1):127-151.
    This Article argues that U.S. law should give protection to relationships between cohabitants and their partners’ children when necessary to avoid the economic and emotional trauma that may be caused by separation of the child from a member of his or her household if the cohabitation ends. After examining the social science literature about the welfare of both stepchildren and children of cohabitants and the inadequate legal treatment of custody, visitation, and child support issues under current law, the author recommends (...)
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    The Practices of the Self.Sharon Bowman (ed.) - 2010 - University of Chicago Press.
    What is the nature of the fundamental relation we have to ourselves that makes each of us a self? To answer this question, Charles Larmore develops a systematic theory of the self, challenging the widespread view that the self’s defining relation to itself is to have an immediate knowledge of its own thoughts. On the contrary, Larmore maintains, our essential relation to ourselves is practical, as is clear when we consider the nature of belief and desire. For to believe or (...)
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    The seeing place: Talking theatre and medicine.Deborah Bowman & Joanna Bowman - 2018 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 17 (1):166-181.
    A Professor of Medical Ethics and a theatre director, also mother and daughter, talk about health, illness, suffering, performance and practice. Using the lenses of ethical and performance theory, they explore what it means to be a patient, a spectator and a practitioner and cover many plays, texts and productions: Samuel Beckett’s Not I and All That Fall, Sarah Kane’s Crave, Tim Crouch’s An Oak Tree, Enda Walsh’s Ballyturk, Annie Ryan’s adaptation of Eimear McBride’s novel A Girl Is a Half-Formed (...)
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    William Ernest Hocking on Our Knowledge of God and Other Minds.Carroll R. Bowman - 1974 - Religious Studies 10 (1):45 - 66.
    I attempt a thorough delineation of hocking's multiangular argument, and historically trace its genis to sources in james and royce. i argue that royce's logic of triadic relations shows the james-hocking to be untenable, and that hocking's version of intersubjectivity must be taken as an expression of tacit or autobiographical knowledge.
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    Una deducción del concepto de sumo bien kantiano.Bowman Curtis - 2013 - Signos Filosóficos 15 (29):195-222.
    Este artículo intenta desarrollar una deducción del concepto de sumo bien kantiano: esto es, intenta demostrar, de acuerdo con la interpretación de Dieter Henrich acerca de la deducción, que el sumo bien es un fin a la vez que un deber. Apelo a los rasgos de la razón práctica que constituyen la legitimidad de los hechos, la premisa que cualquier deducción debe tener. De acuerdo con Kant, el sumo bien consiste en la felicidad, la virtud y sus relaciones de proporcionalidad (...)
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    Constructive Agents Under Duress: Alternatives to the Structural, Political, and Agential Inadequacies of Past Theologies of Nonviolent Peacebuilding Efforts.Janna L. Hunter-Bowman - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):149-168.
    This essay explores the viability of theologies of nonviolent peacebuilding through reflection on constructive agents under duress. John Howard Yoder’s messianic theology was once a default model of peacebuilding in Christian ethics, but he mixes eschatologies, with problematic results. This essay extends insights from participant observation in Colombia to suggest that if we relate distinct accounts of messianic and gradual eschatologies without mixing them, we articulate a relationship between church and state that is fruitful for theological peacebuilding. This relationship is (...)
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    Qualia, Extension and Abstraction.Bowman L. Clarke - 1986 - The Monist 69 (2):216-234.
    Rudolph Carnap’s Aufbau was one of the more ambitious philosophical programs of the twentieth century. His proposal was to begin with elementarerlebnisse —cross sections of one total stream of experience temporally limited by the least perceivable segment of time—and an undefined primitive relation, recollection of similarity, holding between the elementary experiences. Without any further non-logical terms, the goal was to utilize a logic, such as that of Principia Mathematica, and actually to construct logically, or to define formally, all the kinds (...)
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